
HUGE news!!!

"Nothing endures but change." - Heraclitus

So, blogosphere, I have HUGE news (pun intended, and, I promise, the first and last time I will use it in my blog). Today is my last day at Condé Nast Digital. I have accepted a full-time, interactive, visual design position at HUGE Inc. in Dumbo (that’s in Brooklyn, for you non-New Yorkers reading this) and begin August 30th. I am ecstatic!

In other news, this Sunday I am competing in the Timberman Half Ironman, marking my first half ironman, last triathlon for the season, and also first time in New Hampshire. I am extremely excited to swim/bike/run in the mountains. Immediately following the race, I’ll be in Bermuda for a week.

August, you have been one hell of a month. (Blogging to resume mid-September.)

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