
Comic Sans and Other Monstrosities

Time for a Wall Street Journal article on the lovely Comic Sans, a notably loathed font by most (ahem, good) designers, right up there with Papyrus and the improper use of Times New Roman. And yet, it is an ironically popular typeface. My friend Marisa emailed the LINK, which made me happy that a font reminded her of me, albeit Comic Sans.

My favorite part of the article was that Veer apparently now sells a t-shirt with a picture of a human heart made entirely out of Comic Sans characters. Veer's text: "Love it, love to hate it, or hate that you love it."

So funny.

This lead me to google "ugly fonts," which linked me to the following page "5 Fonts I Wish Would Die." You have to admire their passion. Here was their top 5:
1. Papyrus
2. Lucidia Handwriting
3. Monotype Corsiva
4. Comic Sans
5. Times New Roman

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